Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) reduces ectopic pregnancies and improves fertility in post cesarean women

We aimed to report the clinical characteristics of cesarean scar pregnancy, improve the understanding of uterine scar pregnancy, and assess the outcomes of our treatment strategy for cesarean scar pregnancy.

We present 30 patients with cesarean scar pregnancy diagnosed by transvaginal ultrasonography. Patients received B ultrasound-guided lauromacrogol injection, followed by evacuation under B ultrasound guidance, and intrauterine balloon compression for hemostasis.

Postoperatively, all patients received Bu Shen Qu Yu Tang and warming moxibustion. All patients showed fast recovery and preserved fertility. The combination of lauromacrogol injection and suction curettage under hysteroscopic guidance is an effective conservative treatment for cesarean scar pregnancy that can help preserve the reproductive function.

Postoperative traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and warming moxibustion may reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and increase the rate of subsequent intrauterine pregnancy.


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About Attilio

Doctor of Chinese medicine, acupuncture expert and author of My Fertility Guide and My Pregnancy Guide.

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