Dr (TCM) Attilio D’Alberto is a renowned expert in the field of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in the UK with over 20 years of clinical experience. Even before finishing my five year, full time medical degree in China, his dissertation was published in a leading peer review medical journal.
After graduating, he stayed on in China to learn advanced acupuncture form the leading acupuncture expert in Beijing, Dr Bai. Shortly afterwards, he became the editor of the online journal Chinese Medicine Times for eight years. During that time, he continued to write medical articles for academics and the public.
Attilio has continued to learn different styles of acupuncture from other acupuncture experts and has now developed his own acupuncture style, after practising for over 20 years.
He has published two books in three languages that deal with fertility. The first was My Fertility Guide – How to Get Pregnant Naturally, and the second was My Pregnancy Guide – Ensuring a Healthy Pregnancy and Labour.
He has been a called upon for expert opinion by The Telegraph, Men’s Fitness, Glamour, My Weekly, Fertility Road, Victoria Health, My Baba, Female First, TRAIN and more.